Jane's Walk Halifax - Datmouth's New River: Daylighting the Sawmill

May 6, 2018  03:00 - 04:30

Location:  Lion's Beach Park
Cost:  Free

When an urban river has been buried in a pipe for 45 years, bringing it back to the surface ("daylighting") is no walk in the park. We'll learn what it took for part of the Sawmill River to see the light of day (Phase 1), and what it will take to finish the job (Phase 2).
This is a rare chance to hear all about it, from those who know it best: Halifax Water, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, the Shubenacadie Canal Commission, and District 5 Councillor Sam Austin! We may even spot a fish or two...

A footwear note: We will be walking/standing on grass, packed dirt, and gravel (in Sullivan's Pond Park and Starr Park, and at Irishtown Road).


Start: Between Banook & Senobe Canoe Clubs (the parking lot at the end of Nowlan St., near Canal Lock #1 and the Banook playground)

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