Children and the oceans: opportunities and challenges for ocean education

Sep 13, 2018  02:00

Location:  Online Webinar

ResponSEAble Webinars : Children and the oceans: opportunities and challenges for ocean education

This webinar will be discussing the A’s B’s and C’s of ocean literacy for our children. They are the next generation that will inherit the Earth and with it the problems that our generation have created and are now trying to solve.How do we teach our children the basic elements of ocean literacy in a educational system that does not have it as part of the curriculum and is already over burdened and under funded? How do we help the kids have hope therefore ensuring that information is factual and not all negative? How do we nurture creativity so they can find new solutions as they grow up and even improve the world?Time

Sep 13, 2018 2:00 PM in Paris

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