ResponSEAble: Linking the oceans to our consumption habits: opportunities and challenges of consumers literacy

Oct 11, 2018  8:00

Location:  Online Webinar

Responseable Webinars : Linking the oceans to our consumption habits: opportunities and challenges of consumers literacyDescriptionUnlike children, by nature more receptive, it seems difficult to change representations and benchmarks which framed adult’s model lives. In everyday life, adults/consumers may not have enough time to spend on issues such as protecting the oceans, even more if they live far from the sea or haven’t been already “educated” to maritime issues. How do we arouse interest of adults/consumers in these issues? How to do this without making them feeling guilty? Should we talk to everyone or via specifics groups? Webinar will provide examples from the tourism and microplastics/cosmetics sectors.Time

Oct 11, 2018 2:00 PM in Paris / 8am EST

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