ResponSEAble: Connecting business to our oceans: opportunities and challenges of ocean literacy for economic actors

Nov 18, 2018  8:00

Location:  Online Webinar

Responseable Webinars : Connecting business to our oceans: opportunities and challenges of ocean literacy for economic actors

Following ResponSEAble approach Ocean literacy should go beyond targeting traditional groups, such as school education, aquariums, consumer campaigns, and include a wider variety of actors, including the professionals. However, preparing ocean literacy programs/tools for economic actors, such as fishermen, or ship-owners is very challenging, as very often there conflicts of interest between different groups, such as economic actors, scientists and policy makers. What knowledge should be provided to the economic actors? What do they already know and what is missing? How do they usually get their knowledge? Which channels they trust? What makes them change their behaviour? What is important to know when we design the programs/campaigns which target particular economic actors? Webinar will provide illustrations from courses in Fishermen academies, and working with ship owners concerning Ballast Water Treatment Systems, as well from working with multiple small businesses in agriculture.Time

Nov 8, 2018 2:00 PM in Paris / 8am EST

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