Microplastics National Call

Aug 20, 2018  13:00 - 14:00

Location:  Online - Webex
Cost:  Free

The Ocean Pollution Research Program is a research initiative that conducts international-caliber scientific research on ocean pollution.

Language: English
CISCO WebEx Link: https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/j.php?MTID=m17151079fd915fecbd3a34ed6c9b4f29 
Speaker: Stephen Chastain

Stephen is a graduate of the school of Resource and Environmental Management in SFU. He began working as a co-op lab technician with Ocean Wise's Ocean Pollution Research Program in January 2017 and continues to work there since his graduation. He works primarily on analytical techniques for studying microplastics in ocean water and microscopy techniques for identifying plastic particles that can be as small as human blood cells. He has also studied prehistoric archaeology and coastal wetlands management.


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