Ocean Wise Seafood National Call

Aug 16, 2018  15:00 - 16:00

Location:  Online - Webex
Cost:  Free

Overfishing is one of the biggest threats our oceans face today. The Ocean Wise symbol next to a seafood item is our assurance of an ocean-friendly seafood choice. With over 700 Ocean Wise partners with thousands of locations across Canada, the Ocean Wise seafood program makes it easy for consumers to make sustainable seafood choices that ensure the health of our oceans for generations to come (http://seafood.ocean.org/).

Language: English
CISCO WebEx Link: https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/j.php?MTID=mfc57584898194a06f77495b333ab8b4d

Speaker: Alasdair Lindop--Ocean Wise Research Analyst

Originally from the UK, Alasdair earned a Masters in Tropical Coastal Management from Newcastle University after a BSc in Marine Biology. He has had a varied professional career, including working on European coastal sustainability projects, as a fisheries manager for the UK government and on a University of British Columbia global research projects investigating overfishing. Most recently, Alasdair joined the Ocean Wise team in January 2017 as a Research Analyst focusing on small-scale Canadian fisheries. His research assesses the sustainability of these fisheries according to criteria developed by Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program and ultimately helps to educate consumers and promote local sustainable seafood choices. Outside of the office, Alasdair can be found hiking or snowboarding in the mountains, or on a sports field playing soccer and Australian rules football.


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