Premiere Screening – Canada C3: A Voyage

Feb 10, 2019  10:00 a.m.

Location:  Yukon Arts Centre
Cost:  Free

Free screening

In 2017, the Canada C3—a signature project of Canada 150—connected Canadians from coast to coast in a 150-day ship expedition travelling 25,000 kilometres from Toronto to Victoria. Propelled by four central themes, including Reconciliation, the Environment, Diversity and Inclusion, and Youth Engagement, this once-in-a-lifetime journey served to better connect and deepen understanding amongst a diverse group of over 400 participants and thousands of citizens living in over 75 coastal communities. Made up of breathtaking aerial footage that captures the country in a whole new light, this documentary weaves together Canada’s past, present and future in an inspirational tale of community, place and culture.

Northern Canada premiere.

  • 2018, Canada
  • 46 minutes

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