Our Ocean: Youth Leadership Summit

Oct 23, 2019  

Location:  Oslo

The Our Ocean conferences were initiated by Secretary of State John Kerry in 2014, with the aim to put oceans on the foreign policy agenda, and create a platform where leaders from government, business and civil society meet on an equal footing to promote action and innovation for clean, healthy and productive oceans. The Oslo conference will highlight the importance of knowledge as the basis of our actions and policies to ensure sustainable future economic growth. It will emphasize integrated management of sea and coastal areas as the key to protection and sustainable use of the oceans.

We don’t have all the answers, but we know enough to take action.

The intended theme for the Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit is “Co-creating the Sustainable Blue Economy”. Following Norway’s global leadership in integrated ocean management, the summit programming will intend to inspire, inform, and empower participants to build holistic solutions that better balance the needs of society, industry and the ocean environment.

We invite problem solvers and sustainability champions below 35 years old to describe their interest and/or engagement in sustainability (this could be a project idea, an organization, or an initiative you are currently involved with or wish to explore) and submit their application online before July 5, 2019 11:59pm PST. The 100 participants from over 50 countries will receive one complimentary guest pass to participate in the bootcamp and scholarship*.

APPLY NOW: https://soalliance.org/our-ocean-2019/

Applications close on July 5, 2019 at 11:59 pm PST

*Scholarships to cover travel expenses may become available.

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