Canadian Hydrography Conference 2020

Feb 24, 2020  

Location:  Centre des congrès de Québec

Do not miss our symposium from February 24 to 27, 2020 Information :

  • advancing the development of hydrography, marine cartography and associated activities in Canada;
  • furthering the knowledge and professional development of its members;
  • enhancing and demonstrating the public need for hydrography;
  • assisting in the development of hydrographic sciences in developing countries.
  • enabling Industry, Academia and others engaged in or interested in hydrography and related sciences to meet, correspond, and coordinate their efforts in the continuing development, promotion, and improvement of such sciences.

It is the only national hydrographic organization in Canada. It embraces the disciplines of:

  • hydrographic surveying;
  • marine cartography;
  • marine geodesy;
  • offshore exploration;
  • tidal and tidal current studies.

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