Building Bridges: An inter-generational ocean science & stewardship mixer

Nov 29, 2019  6:00pm - 9:00pm

Location:  Bateman Foundation Gallery of Nature
Cost:  Free

Register on Eventbrite:

This evening event at the Bateman center will bring together passionate individuals from across generations and disciplines to spark conversation about ocean conservation. Our goal is not to solve the ocean’s issues in one night, but rather to build connections that lead to ongoing conversations.

This event was a passion project dreamed up by our friend and colleague, Micah Messent, who tragically passed away, March 10, 2019 on his way to the UN Environmental Assembly in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash. To honour his memory, we have come together to turn his concept into reality and we would be delighted for you to join us.

For experienced professionals:

We ask that experienced professionals attend the event with the intention to start a conversation with a youth or young professional and carry that conversation beyond the networking event. That is, we would like for you to connect with one or more of the young folks for a coffee, email conversation, Skype meeting, etc. at a later date.

For youth and young professionals:

We ask that you attend the event with the intention of following up with someone you meet to continue the conversation beyond the evening. We encourage you to ask others for a business card or their contact details during the event and to bring your own business cards (if you have some).


6:00pm Doors open

6:30pm Welcome and Introduction

7:00pm to 9:00pm Inter-generational Networking

8:00pm Keynote Speaker

Food and light refreshments will be provided.

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