Underwater Noise

Mar 30, 2020  12:15pm

Location:  Ocean Wise

Date: Monday, March 30, 2020
Start time: 12:15pm PST

Did you know that sound travels 5 times faster underwater? Underwater communication is a useful and powerful tool that has enabled many animals to survive. Join an Ocean Wise Educator at the Vancouver Aquarium to discover what questions Ocean Wise Research is asking about noise pollution through an examination of our Beluga Whale research in the Arctic. Explore the impact human activity is having on the underwater world and come up with creative solutions for a harmonious future. 

Recommended grades: intermediate, high 

Attendee Link: https://tigmeet.webex.com/tigmeet/onstage/g.php?MTID=ef8979a06429aa1048b5368e3cae57c94 

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