Webinar: Healthy Parks, Healthy People

Apr 2, 2020  01:00pm

Location:  Canadian Parks Council

Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020
Start time: 1:00pm Eastern Time

The relationship between health and wellness and time spent in nature is a growing area of interest across the country. This webinar will explore the idea of Healthy Parks/Healthy People from both a practitioner and a researcher perspective. Our hope is to spark a pan-Canadian conversation that amplifies the importance of parks and protected areas for human health and wellbeing.

Webinar Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_InUlOuq9SAufdJWWgFhb-Q?fbclid=IwAR1hWqa86-rffaf042_DxhJjyYf1eNnAxG6cO5CpmeRzrwQSHJWUZa5JXUw

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