Enviro Law 101: Primer for Youth

Apr 30, 2020  12:00 - 13:00

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wdRY6t71S3K1SAcns1PAQw

Want to learn how law can help protect the environment and tackle climate change?

This youth-focused webinar will introduce a few of the ways that people in Canada are using the power of law to solve our biggest environmental problems – in courtrooms, in communities and in government institutions. 

We encourage parents or grandparents to pass this invitation along to family, friends or other young people in your networks! For those taking part in youth-led climate actions, this online session will introduce some of the legal tools that can complement grassroots environmental action on the ground. 

Register here:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wdRY6t71S3K1SAcns1PAQw

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