Experiential Education Roundtable

Apr 20, 2020  2:00pm


Date: Monday, April 20th
Time: 2:00pm EST

Greetings Experiential Educators!

Last week several experiential educators who work in colleges/universities responded to a request from a colleague looking for an opportunity to connect with others also trying to navigate our work from home during this new challenge.
Based on this conversation and experience we are launching an open space roundtable forum for experiential educators to come together and chat about what is working, challenges they are facing, suggestions they might have and most of all know that they are not alone in this.

Our first gathering will include folks from any and all professional groups/interest area. Depending on who shows up, we will divide into smaller subgroups and arrange gatherings more specific to interests.

No membership is required to hop on in to these. It isn't a webinar, meeting and won't have a specific agenda. This is a perfect opportunity from folks to connect and share.

Register here:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpcuGqrz4pE9BuLC9i0UPU5N0nVlygZJP4

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