A Conversation with Hawaiian Nainoa Thompson, Master Navigator, and next generation leaders as they ‘talk story’ about their wor

Apr 24, 2020  3:00pm


Date: Friday, April 24th
Time: 3:00pm PDT, 6:00pm EDT, 12:00pm HST

A mind-opening, truly inspirational journey where traditional Polynesian voyaging, unpracticed since the 14th century, was reborn and evolved into an educational platform for Earth’s cultural, environmental, and social issues of today.

The ancient Polynesian navigators were the astronauts of their time, exploring 10 million square miles of ocean using only nature to chart their course. That culture and way of thinking has been brought to life by Nainoa Thompson of the Polynesian Voyaging Society, who has led 13 major voyages, including one around the world, and is preparing for the most challenging voyage, the circumnavigation of the Pacific.

Nainoa will be joined in this Ask-Me-Anything Town Hall by two next generation navigators -- Lehua Kamalu and Austin Kino.

The conversation will start with the incredible story of this cultural renaissance and how today, it not only plays an important role in Hawaiian culture, but also as a platform of understanding on how to look at our world and how we are the stewards of the planet for future generations to enjoy and learn from it.

This Ask-Me-Anything event will include live questions via Q & A text and Voice Call-In from the attendees through Zoom.

Register here for this unique opportunity to hear Nainoa Thompson, Lehua Kamalu, and Austin Kino in a live Ask-Me-Anything Town Hall on Zoom.

Presented by Ocean Elders.

Register here:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_51xkMX8jRyaCJ-mQMyeGEw?fbclid=IwAR25ptPv0wCA4R54SX6vfWhkuavAe8KLSA1bKBzYnpERbwVJjAiylux24hE

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