Online talk: Decarbonized or destitute?

Apr 23, 2020  19:30 - 21:00


Date: Thursday, April 23rd
Time: 7:30pm GMT

Nature NL's monthly public talk has moved online!

On Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30 pm join us virtually for a public talk from Marine Institute professor, Dr. Brett Favaro, on his recently released article in the Independent - Thinking Outside the Crisis: Decarbonized or Destitute? To join the session follow this link:

Brett will discuss that the choice we face as we economically navigate the COVID-19 crisis is not balancing decarbonization against petroleum revenue – it’s decarbonization or nothing. We will review some of the urgent threats posed by the climate crisis, and discuss how long term trends make subsidizing the oil sector a dangerous gamble. Finally, we will discuss ways in which we can position ourselves to tackle the climate crisis and build sustainable prosperity for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians as we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis.

Facebook Event Link:

Brett's article in The Independent can be read here:
and he is active on Twitter @LetsFishSmarter

Membership is not required to attend our public talks, but we do encourage people who enjoy our public events to support us with a membership ($25/year). Memberships can be bought through Paypal, credit card, or debit at

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