Decentralized Community Cleanup

Apr 25, 2020  

Location:  Anywhere!

On Saturday, April 25th let's turn our solo social distancing walks into a decentralized cleanup! Together, we can make our public spaces a little healthier one bit of trash at a time.

***Please follow all local COVID-19 social distancing guidelines during the cleanup to protect both the safety of yourself and others in your community***

WHAT: A decentralized cleanup is when lots of small-scale cleanups (solo or with your roommates) are taking place in many different locations on the same day. Pick a street, trail, or shoreline near you, grab a bag and some gloves, fill a trash bag, and share your pictures online to inspire others to do the same!

WHEN: Saturday, April 25. Be sure to post your clean up pics here and on social media to raise awareness on the importance of local environmental stewardship.

WHO: Anyone and everyone can participate in the decentralized cleanup!

WHERE: Anywhere within walking distance from where you live - please don't venture far from your neighbourhood during COVID-19.

WHY: Our public spaces are everyone's responsibility. A decentralized cleanup is a simple and low-barrier way to protect the health of our parks, waterways, and wildlife.

Mark yourself as attending the cleanup on FB and share the event with others:   

Some fun hashtags include: #DONTBEATRASHHOLE #beatplasticpollution #pickupyourshit #leavenotrace #reducereuserecycle #earthday

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