Adam Smith | Data Science for Bird Conservation

May 6, 2020  10:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Explore by the Seat of Your Pants & Adam Smith

A scientific study published this past fall showed that since 1970, North America has lost almost 3 billion birds. 3 Billion is a big number, but how do we know this? Did somebody count them? Dr. Adam Smith is Senior Biostatistician with the Canadian Wildlife Service. He was one of the coauthors on that recent study, and he was in charge of the analysis to estimate that number. He started out his career as a field biologist surveying wildlife in Canada’s arctic, then gradually learned that the data-science was just as interesting as the animals. Adam will talk about his job with the Canadian Wildlife Service, how a field-biologist fell in love with math, and what 3 billion missing birds tells us about how we can #BringBirdsBack.

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