Environmental Educators in NS - Connecting Virtually

May 19, 2020  10:00 - 12:15

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mid-atlantic-ocean-forum-2020-registration-104060196850?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
Hosted by: Mid-Atlantic Regional Council On The Ocean

Registration Is Now Open

Alicia Barton, President and CEO of the New York Energy Research and Development, will provide opening Keynote Remarks to be followed by a plenary panel: “Perspectives on Policy, Technology and Climate for Future Ocean Planning”


  • Deerin Babb-Brott, Principal Assistant Director for Oceans and Environment, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Walt Musial, Researcher VI-Mechanical Engineering, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Charles Stock, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

This Ocean Forum Webinar will also include sessions that provide interactive opportunities for participants to engage the presenters, ask questions, provide input on MACO activities, and “brainstorm” recommendations for additional regional collaboration.

Draft Agenda

Speaker Bios

We have prepared a background memo summarizing MACO operations with links to more detailed information on work groups activities and prior stakeholder outreach. You are encouraged to review this information prior to the webinar

Instructions for accessing the webinar will be in your registration confirmation.

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