Celebrating the 1st annual Ontario Day of Action on Litter: Upstream solutions to reduce plastic pollution in Ontario

May 12, 2020  10:00

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:  https://oceanwise.webex.com/mw3300/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=oceanwise&service=6&rnd=0.8854262148028983&main_url=ht
Hosted by: 2020 Shoreline Cleanup Webinar Series

This spring we’re doing cleanups a little bit differently – we’re going online! On Tuesday May 12, join the U of T Trash Team and the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup on Ontario’s First Official Day of Action on Litter. Together, we will celebrate our local watersheds and explore solutions to reduce plastic pollution. Ontario borders the largest body of freshwater in the world and is also home to plastic and microplastics in the environment. You’ll hear from experts in the Rochman Lab and members of the U of T Trash Team to learn about local plastic pollution in our Great Lakes and upstream solutions to reduce plastic litter. Discover solutions like Seabins capturing plastic in Toronto harbour, raingardens that filter microplastics from stormwater runoff, and washing machine filters that remove small microfibers from washing clothes. Transform your living room couch into a canoe, and we’ll take you on a river run to talk about plastic pollution in our waters and on our shorelines.

Want to support your shorelines? Submit your best costume pictures to @UofTTrashTeam for a chance to be featured!

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