The African penguin: What went wrong and what is being done to prevent their extinction in the wild

Jun 3, 2020  19:00 - 20:00

(GMT +2:00)

Event URL:
Hosted by: SANCCOB

Presented by Dr Lauren Waller, SANCCOB's Leiden Conservation Fellow
Summary: The African penguin was estimated to number in the millions in the early 1900s. By 1956 their numbers had declined to about 300,000. It is estimated that there are now less than 19,000 breeding pairs in the wild, a population decline of over 95%. This talk will provide a summary of the species' population trends; an overview of the threats they have and continue to face and what research and conservation actions are being undertaken by the numerous organisations working hard to save this species from the very real threat of extinction in the wild.

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