Polar Extremes with REAL Paleontologists!

Jun 3, 2020  14:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://tigmeet.webex.com/mw3300/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=tigmeet&service=6&rnd=0.0932756745490052&main_url=https%
Hosted by: Connected North

The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre has partnered with Code to Learn and Connected North to put together a nation-wide opportunity to discuss climate change, and how the past can teach about the future. Yukon’s palaeontologist Grant Zazula, palaeontologist Jaelyn Eberle and Smithsonian director/palaeontologist Kirk Johnson were just a few of the scientists featured in the NOVA documentary Polar Extremes, and we have convinced them to come into your classroom, virtually, for a Q&A with your students. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will give your students the chance to speak with multiple palaeontologists in real time. What is a palaeontologist? What do they do? Why is it important? What is climate change and how does it affect us? What does climate change look like at the poles? These are just a few of the questions they may answer in their hour-long, live session. Join with an iPad: Download the Webex Meet App, Input Access Code: 160 597 7780, Password: CN@home

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