Re-activating UK Parks - The path back from COVID-19

Jun 12, 2020  16:30 - 17:30

(GMT +10:00) Australia Eastern Standard Tim

Event URL:
Cost:  $39 Members / $49 Non-Members (ex GST)
Hosted by: Parks & Leisure Australia

The UK has seen the most deaths to COVID-19 in Europe, and London has suffered particularly. Parks have provided a vital outlet for Londoners but that has not been without its challenges - particularly as there over 30 separate Park authorities. One factor that helped was setting up of a strategic Parks group that shared information and plans and looked to work in a collaborative manner, including writing an open letter to Londoners. This session will hear from two (three) of the key members of that group, as they set out the challenges they faced, individually and collectively, how they responded and what they plan to do to aid recovery.

There is a cost associated with this event. Registration is required.

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