Ocean Plastic Solutions Workshop

Jun 24, 2020  11:00 - 12:00

(GMT -3:00) Atlantic Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ocean-plastic-solutions-workshop-new-date-tickets-109556386100?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
Hosted by: SeaKin Collective

Join Nikkey Dawn, eXXpedition Ambassador, and learn how you can "turn off the tap" on ocean plastics.

Nikkey was the onboard photographer for eXXpedition's North Pacific Leg 2 microplastic research voyage in the Salish Sea.

She'll be sharing what their samples showed, what is being done (or not done) in Canada, and how we are all globally connected by this issue. We'll all participate in a workshop to reveal what talent or skill we already have that can be used in the fight against ocean plastics.

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