Minding the Gap: EcoAnalytics Research Update on Canadians’ Pro-Environmental Values and Behaviours with Dr. Erick Lachapelle

Aug 27, 2020  13:00 - Jul 11, 2020 14:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qTTqk7ivTSSefedv6D7QqQ
Cost:  $35
Hosted by: Sustainability Network

What barriers prevent younger Canadians from engaging more in the environmental movement? How do our opinions about economic growth influence our beliefs about climate action? And how might the current health emergency be altering the way Canadians think about the climate emergency? Join Dr. Erick Lachapelle, Associate Professor, Université de Montréal, for the latest EcoAnalytics Research Update, addressing these and other topical questions.

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