Webinar: Ex-ante impact assessment of the new EU Adaptation Strategy

Jul 2, 2020  10:30 - 12:30

(GMT +1:00)

Event URL:  https://ee.ricardo.com/climate-change/impact-assessment-for-the-new-eu-adaptation-strategy
Cost:  Free
Hosted by: European Commission

Despite measures to mitigate its effects, climate change is already having serious consequences in Europe and worldwide. Therefore, as part of the European Green Deal, the Commission will adopt a new strategy to help the EU adapt.

The European Commission is therefore undertaking an impact assessment for the new EU Adaptation Strategy in line with the Better Regulation Guidelines. Ricardo and Trinomics are supporting the European Commission with this impact assessment, including stakeholder engagement activities which are an important element of the process.

On behalf of the European Commission (DG Climate Action), Ricardo is organising a webinar on the ex-ante impact assessment of the new EU Adaptation Strategy where we will give an overview of the impact assessment, present the interim results of the open public consultation and have a discussion with a panel of experts.

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