Apathy is Boring presents: Table Talk Conversations

Jul 15, 2020  6:30pm

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.apathyisboring.com/tabletopics
Hosted by: Apathy is Boring

Research brought to light that something as simple as chatting about politics at the dinner table was a taboo Canadians were taking way too seriously, and it was impacting youth’s likelihood to head to the polls. So, during the 2019 federal election, we teamed up with Miss Fresh to encourage 400 Canadian youth to break the stigma, and gather with their friends over a delicious meal to discuss their views on Canada, community, and cookery.

Almost one year later, we’ve decided to bring back our yummy initiative just in time for the first birthday of The Feed - our bi-weekly resource to Canadian current affairs broken down in itty-bitty, super witty bite-sized pieces of knowledge. Both #TableTopics and The Feed share a common objective: making politics palatable for youth.

And after months of staying home, we thought it would be nice to check in with you. 

  • How have you handled 2020?
  • How are you feeling about the potential mega shift in society brought on by both the pandemic and the protests?
  • How do you feel about the way our government has been handling the past few months?

Join us for the country’s largest (virtual) dinner table on Zoom on July 15th at 6:30PM ET / 3:30PM PT, as we chat with a panel of youth leaders from coast to coast about the major Canadian headlines of the year, and connect with other folks who, like you, are interested in knowing more.


Get your friends/housemates together for an offline Table Topics dinner. Don’t worry, there's a menu of conversation starters so there's no awkwardness. As the situation with COVID-19 changes, please adhere to your province's rules and recommendations on gathering.

Grab the Table Topics Conversation menu HERE

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