Mission Monarch Blitz

Aug 1, 2020  

Event URL:  http://www.namonarchs.org/international-monarch-monitoring-blitz/
Hosted by: Monarch Conservation Toolbox

Join thousands of volunteers in Canada, Mexico and the United States, for the 4th annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz (the Blitz). In the context of COVID-19, with limited ability to do field work, researchers now need your observations more than ever.

For one week, the Blitz invites people across North America to look for milkweed plants and survey them for monarch eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises and butterflies. This information will help researchers identify priority areas for monarch conservation actions. Data gathered during the Blitz is uploaded to the Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network, where it is accessible for anyone to consult and download.

Follow #MonarchBlitz on social media.

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