Ocean Depths to Tree Tops - a Virtual Summer Camp

Aug 17, 2020  9:30am - Aug 21, 2020 11:30am

(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ocean-depths-to-tree-tops-a-virtual-summer-camp-tickets-113148115058
Cost:  $25-$100
Hosted by: Ocean Wise

Via interactive video talks and activities youth will learn about marine and terrestrial ecology, community science and connection to place.

From blowfish and plankton, to bats and berries. Join the Stanley Park Ecology Society and Ocean Wise for a journey from the depths of the ocean to tree tops in a virtual summer camp engaging youth on local habitats and how to get involved to help protect them. We will explore nature around us through art, activities, short presentations, Q&A and more. What challenges do these ecosystems face? How can we use community science to make a difference? Find out on our journey through nature from home!

Join for single days or the whole week! Each day, participants will be given an optional activity to do on their own in the afternoon. There will be an optional session in the afternoon to come back and share what you did, or if you are participating the whole week, you can share in the break-out session the following day.

Ages: 11-15

Platform: Zoom

Dates: August 17-21, 2020

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