Ocean Hackathon® 2020

Oct 10, 2020  

Event URL:  https://www.campusmer.fr/Ocean-Hackathon_-Ocean-Hackathon_-2020-3567-1307-0-0.html
Hosted by: Campus Mondial de la Mer

Ocean Hackathon® is a 48-hour non-stop event during which teams work solely from a range of marine digital data to develop a prototype and examine its possible uses. A call for challenges issued a few months prior to the event identifies the projects on which each team in the participating cities will focus. In 2020, join the Ocean Hackathon® adventure by submitting your challenge that will be developed during the event in the city of your choice from October 9 to 11, 2020. At the end of the weekend, a team will be elected to take part in the international pitching competition at the end of 2020 in Brest and may win one of the prizes offered by our Ambassadors.

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