Conversation on Black Experiences in Parks

Aug 6, 2020  2:00pm

(GMT -3:00) Atlantic Time

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Hosted by: CPCIL First Thursday Webinars


You are invited to a WebEx webinar. 
When: August 6, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

A Canadian Conversation on Black Experiences in Parks

The Canadian Parks Collective (CPCIL) and co-host Park People invite you to participate in a webinar for park leaders about the role parks can play in speaking about—and taking action to— address racial inequity in Canada. Led by BlackAFinSTEM’s Rhiannon Kirton, co-founder of Black Birders Week and champion for better representation of Black people in the outdoors, we are welcoming a panel of Black Canadian scientists, naturalists, and outdoors people to share their experiences, accomplishments, frustrations, and hopes. A facilitated dialogue will help the Canadian parks community discover some first steps we might take toward making the entire
parks system the most inclusive in the world.

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