The Importance of Fossils

Sep 15, 2020  11:00 - 12:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Cost:  Free
Hosted by: Science Literary Week

Fossils help us recreate the past, but how important are they?
Does knowing about tyrannosaurids and trilobites really change anything?
And why are we so fascinated with the stories these fossils share?  

We’ll discuss these ideas, stories about the history of paleontology, and much more. 

Our speaker Danielle Serratos is the Director/Curator of the Fundy Geo Museum, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, and has been a science communicator and educator since 2006. She loves being a paleontologist, family woman, and gamer.  

And just to be upfront with her bias, Danielle thinks paleontology is one of the most influential fields of study in the world!  

She hates inequality, science illiteracy, and spiders. 

For more info contact: 
Laurie Glenn Norris
Education& Outreach Manager
Joggins Fossil Institute
902-251-2727 Ext. 224

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