Duke Lemur Center | Soil, Lemur, and Human Health: What do they have in common?

Sep 24, 2020  10:00 - 10:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/duke-lemur-center-soil-lemur-human-health-common/
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

James Herrera, coordinator of the Duke Lemur Center SAVA Conservation program. He'll talk about biodiversity, most of us think about the lush tropical rainforests or the colorful coral reefs. Yet the biodiversity teeming below our feet is fundamental to all terrestrial ecosystems. In this talk, James is going to connect the dots between the health of soil ecosystems and the preservation of biodiversity, including wildlife like lemurs, and human-modified landscapes like agricultural ecosystems. Healthy soils are the basis for the diversity of plants and animals, and are vital to nutritious and sustainable food production. Soils that have been degraded by over-farming can be regenerated to bring back the biodiversity and stimulate new productivity, allowing permanent, rather than shifting agriculture. In this way, regenerative agriculture can increase food security as well as protect species like lemurs.

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