Annette Fayet | Studying Atlantic Puffins

Oct 13, 2020  09:00 - May 12, 2020 09:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Annette is a seabird biologist at the University of Oxford in the UK. She tracks the journeys of seabirds to discover more about their life at sea, the places they use to feed and to migrate, and the threats they face. She studies multiple species in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, but the birds she’s studied the most are the charismatic Atlantic puffins, a key but declining seabird in the North Atlantic. In her talk, Annette will talk about her field expeditions to remote seabird islands, her discoveries on the remarkable migration journeys of seabirds, and the threats these fascinating birds face worldwide.

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