MOSAiC Arctic Expedition With Laura Schmidt
Oct 5, 2020 10:00 - Apr 29, 2020 10:45
(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants
What does it take to get an international team of scientists and all of their research equipment up to the top of the world--safely? As part of our ongoing virtual exchange expedition collaboration with Reach the World and the MOSAiC Expedition, we're talking to safety and logistics expert (and polar bear guard!), Laura Schmidt. From 24-hour darkness to sub-zero temperatures and curious polar bears, Laura and her colleagues helped MOSAiC scientists complete their research and live to tell the tale. What safety precautions does the MOSAiC team take? What does a "polar bear guard" actually do if they spot a polar bear? Get your questions ready for Laura!