The 5th Annual P-22 Day & International Urban Wildlife Festival

Oct 24, 2020  

(GMT -7:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: P-22 Wildlife Wonderland

A FREE and FUN virtual experience celebrating people and wildlife coexisting across the world. Register now to join us on October 24 for hundreds of exhibits, interactive games, virtual walks & talks, live musical performances, a kids activity area, and a chance to win puma prizes!

Hey friends! I’m P-22, the world’s most famous mountain lion. I live in Los Angeles and hang out under the Hollywood sign. I made a dangerous journey crossing two of the busiest freeways in America—it was really scary!—to find a new home. I have lived here since 2012, surrounded by 10 million people, and we all get along. We can coexist, people!

Welcome to my official party—the 5th annual P-22 Day Festival! Last year over 8,000 people attended at my home in Griffith Park. This year, I am inviting the world to attend virtually—let’s all celebrate how you humans help protect us wildlife across the globe.

My human friends have developed something really special for this festival—P-22’s Wildlife Wonderland! It’s such a great way to explore the wild world and learn about how to coexist with mountain lions (and other wildlife) like me!

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