Indigenous Justice Conference - Decolonizing through Intersectionality

Oct 27, 2020  

Event URL:
Hosted by: Calgary Indigenous Sharing Network- Native Counselling Services Of AB

Life Stages & Intersectionality: the affects & influence on the over-representation of indigenous people in the justice system

About this Event

Join us for two consecutive mornings to share in-focused discussions and wise practices with a panel of experts working in justice, legal & youth sectors by exploring intersections of colonial impacts on Indigenous realities at different life stages.

The first day will open with a Key Note, following with an interactive discussion with three panel experts working with Indigenous children & youth.

The second day will open with a Key Note, following with an interactive discussion with three panel experts working with Indigenous adults, & older generations.

The overall goal is to educate, deepen understanding and explore solutions to legal justice on social justice issues.

"Intersectionality is the study of how various forms of oppression, discrimination, domination and other social processes intersect and influence each other."

-Diversity in teaching, University of Toronto

We feel supported best when we come together in an inclusive, kind, and positive -driven manner. We we ask that you please be mindful of holding brave, safe space in all aspects.

~Originally planned for March 13, 2020, & postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are excited to announce our virtual conference, over two half-days~

Any questions, please contact Sherri, or Jacie, P: 403-237-7850 E:

This event is made possible through collaborative work efforts with numerous organizations, agencies at provincial, municipal levels, grassroots levels.

Justice Circle, Calgary Indigenous Sharing Network

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