Earthwatch - Free webinar series: Nature-based solutions for climate resilient cities

Nov 4, 2020  13:00 - 14:00

Event URL:
Hosted by: Earthwatch

Earthwatch is organising a series of webinars on urban nature-based solutions (NbS) throughout the month of November. An exciting line-up of speakers will share their experiences of NbS implementation and share key findings of citizen science research conducted in cities across the world. Further details can be found below and on the Earthwatch website:

Nature-based solutions for carbon storageWith many cities around the world working towards carbon neutrality, this webinar will explore the potential of urban nature-based solutions to capture carbon and contribute to this goal. Our scientific experts will talk about the important role of soil around urban trees as a carbon sink, and the impact of different land managements in the ability of trees to capture carbon. Nottingham City Council will also share their ambition to become the first carbon neutral city in the UK and the role they see urban nature playing to achieve this.

Date: Wednesday 4 November 2020Time: 13:00-14:00 GMTThis meeting will be held on Zoom: Please sign up here.Speakers:·  Dr Macarena Cárdenas – Research Manager, Earthwatch Europe – Webinar Chair·         Nerea Ferrando Jorge - University of Reading·         Jonathan Ward - Principal Energy Policy Officer, Nottingham City Council

Nature-based solutions for natural flood managementClimate projections predict an increase in the intensity and severity of extreme weather events and therefore flooding risk. With largely impermeable surface cover, urban areas are particularly vulnerable. In this webinar we will explore case studies on urban trees and green roofs in relation to their ability to help control flooding in urban areas in the UK. We will hear about the complexities and impact that different land managements around trees can have in changing infiltration capacity.

Date: Wednesday 11 November 2020Time: 13:00-14:00 GMTThis meeting will be held on Zoom: Please sign up here.Speakers:·         Louise Hartley - Senior Programme Manager, Earthwatch Europe – Webinar Chair·         Dr. Wouter Buytaert - Imperial College London·         Charlotte Markey - Green Urbanisation Innovation Manager, Polypipe

Nature-based solutions for improved thermal comfortHeatwaves present huge risks to human health, infrastructure and the economy and are most acutely experienced in cities as a result of the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). During this webinar we will share research findings and insights into the potential of nature-based solutions, in particular urban trees, to improve local microclimates and thermal comfort levels in both arid and temperate environments, using the UAE and UK as examples.

Date: Wednesday 18 November 2020Time: 12:00-13:00 GMTThis meeting will be held on Zoom: Please sign up here.Speakers:·         Dr Steven Loiselle - Senior Research Lead, Earthwatch Europe – Webinar Chair·         Mahmoud Abu Ali - Kalifa University of Science and Technology (UAE)·         Professor Darren Woolf - Founder of Blue Green UK and Visiting Professor in Building Engineering Physics, Loughborough University

Nature-based solutions for water quality improvementsThe combined impacts of urbanisation and climate change present a significant threat to our freshwater environments. During this webinar we will hear about the potential of nature-based solutions for water purification, with a case study looking at a major water supply area to Mexico City. We will also learn about catchment-focused solutions in the UK to ensure resilient water supplies for the future.

Date: Wednesday 25 November 2020Time: 13:00-14:00 GMTThis meeting will be held on Zoom: Please sign up here.Speakers:·         Dr Steven Loiselle - Senior Research Lead, Earthwatch Europe – Webinar Chair·         Lucía Madrid Ramírez - Consejo Civil Mejicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible, CCMSS (Mexico)·         James Knightbridge - Catchment Management Lead, Mott MacDonald

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