Ocean Engineering: Arctic adventures and modelling microplastics
Dec 7, 2020 12:00 - 13:00
(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
Event URL: https://oceanwise.webex.com/oceanwise/j.php?MTID=md0bc8be87854bf6b0e459e1e8a8c2642
Cost: Free
Hosted by: Corinne Dunwoody, Ocean Bridge Ambassador
Corinne Dunwoody, a St. Lawrence cohort Ocean Bridge participant, will be hosting a webinar on December 7 from 12-1 EST, 9-10 PST, so MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
NRC research engineers share their experience and expertise, career highlights, and tips they learned along the way. This is a great opportunity to better understand a career in research, from working with northern communities, to modelling how microplastics move in the environment. // Les ingénieurs de recherche du CNRC partagent leur expérience et leur expertise, les faits saillants de leur carrière et les conseils qu'ils ont appris en cours de route. Il s'agit d'une excellente occasion de mieux comprendre une carrière en recherche, du travail avec les communautés nordiques à la modélisation de la façon dont les microplastiques se déplacent dans l'environnement.
*Event will be in English, however questions and comments in French will be translated to the speakers. // L'événement sera en anglais, mais les questions et commentaires en français seront traduits pour les conférenciers(ères).
Ocean Engineering: Arctic adventures and modelling microplastics
Hosted by Ocean Bridge St. Lawrence
Monday, 7 Dec, 2020 12:00 pm | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 177 465 4403
Password: nhFT9SGbT32
Join by video system
Dial 1774654403@oceanwise.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-604-449-3026 Canada Toll (Vancouver)
1-844-426-4405 Canada Toll Free
Access code: 177 465 4403