Astronauts and Polar Explorers With Gro Mjeldheim Sandal

Jan 14, 2021  12:00 - 12:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Join the Hearts in the Ice team from their remote cabin at Bamsebu to get an update as they overwinter in Svalbard conducting important citizen science. Then learn all about what it take to become an astronaut. What are the most enjoyable and stressful aspects for astronauts during space missions? Gro Mjeldheim Sandal will answer those questions and more as she shares some of her research among teams in extreme environments, specifically focusing on how astronauts cope with living and working in space as well as what space agencies can learn from studies of expeditions teams in polar areas, such as Hilde and Sunniva at Bamsebu.

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