How Do Scientists Predict the Future in Earth Sciences?

Jan 18, 2021  11:00 - Jan 5, 2021 11:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Weather predictions are now part of our everyday lives. They provide powerful information that helps us better plan our everyday activities and businesses. Through phones, tablets, laptops, TV or radio, these data are at our fingertips and delivered in ways that are tailored to our needs better than ever before. In water sciences, scientists have long realized that the interplay and superposition of hydrological, hydraulic, biogeochemical, ecological, social and economic processes are often far too complex for us to disentangle them without the aid of computers. Being able to unscramble these processes is essential because it allows answering the important "what", "why" and "when" questions that will help our society to both understand our world a bit better and provide useful knowledge that can be used to improve people's lives. In this talk, Dr. Costa will explain how scientists build these numerical models, how they are used to anticipate natural events, and how you can one day help to develop such mathematical models.

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