South Atlantic Seascape: Connections between habitats, fish, and people

Mar 24, 2021  14:00 - Jan 20, 2021 15:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: The Nature Conservancy

The South Atlantic Seascape, spanning from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to the Florida Keys, has always drawn humans to its beautiful coastlines and offshore habitats. There is a clear connection between people and nature here, and The Nature Conservancy has developed a suite of marine conservation strategies designed to help ensure that the natural systems, coastal economies and human uses are sustained into the future. Join this lecture to learn how the South Atlantic Seascape projects encompass the entire region, as showcased in the new sustainable fisheries work that partners with fishery managers and recreational fishermen to help ensure the love of fishing can span generations by conserving vulnerable deep-water fish species.

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