Farewell to the Arctic of Old with Dr. Mark Serreze

Jan 21, 2021  14:00 - Jan 19, 2021 14:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/farewell-arctic-old-dr-mark-serreze/
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Live Stream Event Only, No Camera Spots

Over the past 40 years, I’ve had a front row seat as a climate scientist to observe how the Arctic changed from the Arctic old – one that explorers of the 19 th century would be familiar with – to something very different. This is the story of that journey. It steps through the early years, before we were even talking about greenhouse warming, through years of confusion, when we realized that the Arctic was stirring but were still trying to figure out why, to today, when questions revolve around what the New Arctic means for the rest of the planet, and whether the Arctic of old will ever be seen again. It’s a detective story, and a story about the very human process of doing science. Perhaps most of all it is a story about how a former skeptic, when faced with overwhelming evidence, finally saw that climate change is very real.

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