Webinar: Introduction to the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool(METT-4)

Mar 4, 2021  08:00 - 09:00

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webinar-introduction-to-the-management-effectiveness-tracking-toolmett-4-tickets-139684089873
Hosted by: IUCN Protected Areas

Part one of a two-leg series of webinars. Register for part two here.

The METT is the most widely used protected area management effectiveness assessment system globally. METT-4 (the fourth edition of the METT and the first revision since 2007) draws together the lessons learned from applying the tool around the world, includes new and emerging management issues since the last iteration and more detailed assessments of outcomes including condition of natural and cultural values, key species and habitats.

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