Inside-Out Networking Mixer

Apr 15, 2021  13:00 - 14:00

(GMT -5:00) Central Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Children & Nature Network

Join The Children & Nature Network for our next quarterly networking mixer. This informal virtual event offers some time to connect with other folks in the children and nature movement. C&NN staff will offer a brief welcome, and then attendees will move into smaller, unfacilitated breakout rooms based on interest area.

Attendees may choose from the following areas:

  • Cities and Nature
  • Nature Connection for Youth Development
  • Green Schoolyards
  • Advancing Policy for Equitable Access to Nature
  • Early Childhood/Families
  • Nature Connection for Health and Wellness
  • Building a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Movement

We’ll break into groups twice, so attendees can stay with an area for both breakouts or switch to another area halfway through the mixer.

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