Cross-Canada Virtual Road Trip: Kejimkujik Seaside National Park

May 6, 2021  11:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Parks Canada

Put some sunscreen on, grab a hat, binoculars and camera, sit comfortably on your chair, and join us for a fun day at the beach! This tour will take you to one of the most beautiful white sandy beach of Nova Scotia. Be ready to make surprising discoveries around the mysteries that lie within the sand found here, and you will be invited to explore what lives under the shoreline rocks. A hidden world of bivalves, seaweed, and crustaceans awaits you! Kejimkujik Seaside is located in Mi’kmaki, the unceeded territory of the Mik’maq people, and you will learn about their connection to this land and its resources.

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