Harnessing Nature Restoration for People & Planet: Financing a global and green just recovery

Jun 17, 2021  14:00

(GMT +1:00)

Event URL:  https://birdlife.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5z4GVQIQT8C2NXNGv0EP1A
Hosted by: Birdlife International

Nature restoration has the potential to address the three biggest challenges our societies are facing: the social, economic and environmental crisis.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has increased global awareness on the need to reset our relationship to nature. We must explore solutions which address these interdependent challenges; nature restoration is one such solution. The launch of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying point to coordinate our forces globally in making this a reality.

BirdLife International is building on its partnership experience to prioritise actions to ensure a green and just recovery in Africa. In this session, we will examine with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation and the Pan- African Agency of the Great Green Wall how nature restoration can drive sustainable development in Africa and the reality of the funding needed to support it, and discuss with the European Commission the role the EU can play in fostering this Nature positive agenda and increasing funding for nature restoration in Africa.

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