Rising Generation Summer Workshop Series: Community Organizing

Jul 21, 2021  15:00 - 16:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rising-generation-summer-workshop-series-community-organizing-tickets-158007465583?aff=ebdsoporgpro
Hosted by: Children & Nature Network

Community organizing principles from Marshall Ganz and Saul Alinsky emphasize the building of relationships in order to gain trust, develop community knowledge, and engender a sense of empowerment. Dive into these principles and how you can apply them to bring about change desired by the very community you seek to support.


Young leaders ages 18-28: This series is for you! This summer, develop your leadership and advocacy skills to increase equitable access to the outdoors as a powerful pathway to healthy, just and sustainable communities.

The Rising Generation Workshop Series offers six virtual trainings designed to help you develop your personal narrative, cultural awareness, leadership style, community organizing and civic engagement skills to bring about positive change. Workshops are led by and for young leaders like you. By participating, you’ll join a diverse and welcoming network of nearly 500 young leaders across the U.S. who have participated in similar trainings through the Natural Leaders and Fresh Tracks programs. Attend all six workshops to receive a certificate of completion.

The Rising Generation Workshop Series is led by the Children & Nature Network, the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solution and Fresh Tracks, and is made possible with support from Colorado Health Foundation.

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