Encore Screening & Live Panel Discussion: The Sum of Us

Jul 14, 2021  13:00 - 15:15

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/encore-screening-live-panel-discussion-the-sum-of-us-tickets-159663675351
Hosted by: Children & Nature Network

Join us for an encore screening of the phenomenal conversation between Heather McGhee and Dr. Gail Christopher, and a live panel discussion. About this event What might racial healing look like for the movement to connect children and nature? Join the Blue Sky Funders Forum and the Children & Nature Network for this encore event where we’ll watch a recording of the phenomenal conversation between author Heather McGhee and Dr. Gail Christopher and gather for a live panel discussion, reflecting on how the connections made in the conversation will carry us forward in

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