25 Voices from London National Park City

Jul 22, 2021  13:00 - 15:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/25-voices-from-london-national-park-city-tickets-159968874209
Hosted by: London National City Park

A series of quick fire talks from inspirational people taking positive action to inspire us all to re-imagine London as a greener, healthier, wilder city.

London is full of millions of people who have ideas and projects to make life better in our city. What if we shared those ideas more and inspired other people to do them too?

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of London becoming the world’s first National Park City, we are going to hold a special online event to showcase 25 people who are doing things to make our National Park City greener, healthier or wilder.

We will showcase 25 diverse voices, speaking on a wide range of topics and from every corner of our beautiful city. The stories will cover gardening, nature connection, walking, cycling, trees, climate change, parks and green spaces, local volunteering, storytelling, arts and crafts, fitness, campaigning, orchards, community action....and many other creative ideas.

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